+353238833332 | info@collinsbrooks.ie | Cork
Probate Solicitors
Collins Brooks & Associates LLP’s probate practitioners provide legal and taxation advice to private clients on succession, trusts and estate planning issues. Our probate practitioners are dedicated to providing a top quality personal service with innovative and efficient arrangements for the preservation, management and transfer of wealth.
Our Cork solicitors oversee and advise on the following:

✓ Will Drafting
✓ Estate Planning and Capital Tax Advices
✓ Creation and Registration of Powers of Attorney
✓ Creation and Registration of Enduring Powers of Attorney
✓ Advice to Executors on Duties and Responsibilities
✓ Advice on Re-Deeds of family Arrangement
✓ Advice on Disclaimers
✓ Dealing with Tax and Financial Issues Arising in Administration of Estates
✓ Advice on Ward of Court Issues and Applications to the Wards of Court Office for Registration
✓ Advice on Trusts and Probate Issues
✓ Estate Administration and Probate
Will Drafting
From our Cork based solicitors office, we offer clients a professional and highly experienced legal will drafting service.
A professionally drafted will ensure that the family of the deceased are not subjected to any unnecessary stress or any undue financial burden.
A legally binding will also ensure that the deceased estate is distributed according to their wishes.

Enduring Power of Attorney
An Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives a third party – the attorney – the power to make decisions on behalf of another person.
In cases where an individual has become mentally incapacitated an enduring power of attorney document ensures that the appropriate person is put in charge of an individual’s welfare.
Enduring Power of Attorney is a complex legal document that must be drawn up by a professional solicitor.
Estate Planning & Probate
Our estate planning legal services ensures a person’s estate is distributed according to their wishes. Our administration of estate services includes advising the beneficiaries on their legal rights concerning the estate. This advice can include recommendations on how to make the estate transfer as tax efficient as possible and that all the legal obligations concerning the transfer are met.
Collins Brooks & Associates LLP’s Probate Solicitors
Please contact:

Roni Collins

Emma O'Brien

Denis O’Sullivan